Further Action On Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome has been requested by the BDA.
The use of more and more powered tools creating vibration has lead to a greater increase in HAVS which can lead to painful disorders of the blood vessels, nerves and joints.
The BDA is reminding all members and those involved in drilling of the on-going need to be aware and address this issue, including adopting the correct procedures along with monitoring and recording to minimise risk.
Further, the BDA is urging the sector to undertake written risk assessments related to high risk operations such as rigs, and specifically when using vibrating hand tools.
Additionally, the organisation want employers who operate vibrating machinery to monitored closely exposure times and maintain on file.
Reducing exposure to vibrating equipment will reduce the number of injuries relating to their use and financially will benefit the industry by significantly reducing claims.
HAVS is totally preventable and the BDS along with the HSE are determined to bring about changes that will improve the conditions for those who use hand held drilling or vibrating equipment.
> HAVS is preventable, but once the damage is done it is permanent.
> HAVS is serious and disabling, and nearly 2 million people are at risk.
> Damage from HAVS can include the inability to do fine work and cold can trigger painful finger blanching attacks.
> The costs to employees and to employers of inaction could be high.
> There are simple and cost-effective ways to eliminate risk of HAVS.
> The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations focus on the elimination or control of vibration exposure.
> The long-term aim is to prevent new cases of HAVS occurring and enable workers to remain at work without disability.
> The most efficient and effective way of controlling exposure to hand-arm vibration is to look for new or alternative work methods which eliminate or reduce exposure to vibration.
> Health surveillance is vital to detect and respond to early signs of damage.
Further information on Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) can be found at the BDA website >>>
Or check the Health & Safety Today Knowledge Base For Further Info On HAV’s.
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