Data Protection (GDPR)
Course Description
This e-learning course emphasises the importance of processing information effectively, securely and according to set policies and procedures.
Learners will explore the different ways in which they process data through the course of their work and identify the reasons why it must be handled and managed correctly. They will also be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with, and gain a better understanding of, the guidelines, policies and legal requirements in place which set out how information must be governed in their workplace.
The course is broken down in to 4 bite-sized units with the following titles:
- An Introduction to Information Governance
- The Legal Framework
- Maintaining Confidentiality
- Information Security and Communication Policy
On completion of this course learners will be able to:
- Protect the rights of clients/customers according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Explain the purpose of organisational Confidentiality and Information Security policies and the consequences of failing to comply with them
- Explain and apply the terms ‘confidential’, ‘personal’ and ‘sensitive’ in relation to data
- Describe what is meant by ‘processing data’
- Explain the Caldicott principles in relation to GDPR
Benefit to learner and employer.
Regardless of industry or sector, most employees are now required to undertake some form of CPD.
The updating of skills and knowledge is critical in keeping abreast of industry changes and maintaining professional competence.
Upon successfully completing the online compliance courses and passing any associated assessments, the learner is able to download and print off their own certificate as evidence of learning and CPD hours completed.
These courses can be completed at any time 24/7, meaning they fit perfectly around anybody’s schedule.
It’s an ideal and affordable way for individuals and businesses alike to ensure knowledge and compliance is always up to date and relevant.